Philosophy & Meditation
Neelakantha Meditation
Neelakantha Meditation is the practice of deep meditation that works to bring about transformation, healing, and benevolence in your life. It is a daily meditation practice that is governed by the principle of effortlessness, which is easy to learn and practice and is accessible to everyone.
Transform and grow in the direct experience of your own deepest reality and live everything that you are meant to live.
Journey into the deeper spaces of consciousness to more fully access freedom, creativity, ease, clarity, and riches of life itself.
Easy to learn and practice, and is governed by the principle of effortlessness.
A beautiful and elegant practice which does not involve concentration, controlling the mind, or other forms of effortful manipulation of awareness.
It is not necessary to have any particular beliefs, previous study or background in order to learn and practice with great benefit.
Neelakantha Meditation allows you to establish a direct connection to your own deepest reality and reconnect with your innate nature of freedom, creativity, clarity, bliss and everything wonderful in life.
Neelakantha Meditation
A Foundation for a Lifetime of Deep Meditation Practice
A Formal Initiation with Ezgi Taslidere
This course is the beginning of a lifetime of practice. You will learn the practice itself and the specific context and foundational principles underlying the practice, which is rooted in SvaTantra – the Tantric teachings of the ultimate freedom of Consciousness.
The 18-Month Course Includes (online through Blue Throat Yoga):
• Welcome audio message
• Two-day course of formal personalized Initiation into Neelakantha Meditation
• Ongoing Live Meditation Practice
• Original translations of Tantric texts
• Online Wisdom Library
• Auditing Day 2 (group lecture) of Initiation events at no cost
• Special Audio Satsangs
• Additional Supporting Practices and
• Invitations to attend Meditation Retreats and to receive Advanced Initiations
Neelakantha Meditation Gatherings
Once you receive your initiation and attend your post-initiation theory lecture, you will be welcome to attend the meditation gatherings (currently monthly: every four weeks) for free. To register for the gatherings please click here.
1:1 Neelakantha Meditation Initiation
Individual Initiations - Formal Personal Instruction Slots are offered through appointment on an ongoing basis. Please fill in the following form to register.
After your registration we will set an individual time slot that works for you.
The individual slots are for 2:00 hours, which includes about 1-hour pre-initiation theory lecture followed by your individual initiation slot. In some cases the total session may last 2:30 hours.
The post-initiation lecture will be shared through a recording the next day after the initiation. This lecture is mandatory for everyone who receive their formal personal instruction to Neelakantha Meditation. The group lecture is usually 3 hours.
Please fill in the following form to register.
Currently most of the meditation events are offered ONLINE via live streaming, via Video Conferencing Platform. Some are also offered in person on request.
Course Tuition: CHF 500.- (for residents of Euro Zone: EUR 450.-, for US residents USD 450.-)*
or in 2 monthly installments of CHF 250.-, or in 3 monthly installments of CHF 175.- (first payment at the time of registration)
(Please contact us if you need other installment options. We would be happy to support you.)
*The investment is according to your location of residence. For credit card payments, there is an additional processing fee.
Location: ONLINE via live streaming
& STAMBHA Headquarter Temple / STAMBHA LIFE ACADEMY CENTER (depending on the specific event)
Ezgi Taslidere, Ph.D.
is an authorized teacher of Neelakantha Meditation, as taught in Blue Throat Yoga.
For info about Ezgi please click here.
Blue Throat Yoga
Blue Throat Yoga is a School for Meditation Studies designed to help you establish deep freedom and joy in everyday householder life, founded by Professor Paul Muller-Ortega.
Paul Muller Ortega, Ph.D.
Professor Paul Muller-Ortega, Ph.D., is recognized internationally as one of the world's most highly respected and renowned academic scholars in the field of Indian Religion and Hindu Tantra. He is the founder of Blue Throat Yoga, which teaches the elegant Svatantra philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism and the practice of Neelakantha Meditation.
For more than fifty years, Paul has been a pioneer in the technology of Consciousness, lecturing and teaching about meditation and Indian philosophy to hundreds of thousands of people in North and South America, Europe, and India. Through his books, articles, essays, commentaries, and translations, Paul has earned a reputation for his unparalleled scholarly authenticity, as well as being a charismatic teacher with a remarkable capacity to convey esoteric truths and teachings in ways that are fully accessible, relevant, and comprehensible to the western mind. He is the author of the highly acclaimed book, The Triadic Heart of Shiva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta on the Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir, (State University of New York Press, 1989) in which he examines the "Heart" as the mystical core of Consciousness. He is also one of the co-authors of Meditation Revolution as well as numerous scholarly articles on aspects of Tantric Studies.
Professor Paul Muller-Ortega earned his undergraduate degree at Yale University and received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of California after many arduous years of studying Sanskrit, Indian religions, and Asian philosophy and culture. For twenty-five years he was a Professor of Religion at Michigan State and then the University of Rochester, and was known for his passionate and innovative teaching style and enrolled-to-capacity classes. He has been a practitioner and teacher of meditation for more than fifty years. He has formally studied with several of the greatest meditation masters of our time, and subsequently has organized and taught hundreds of meditation seminars disseminating potent practices of meditation to thousands of individuals. With this rare combination of training, experience, skill, spiritual practice, and profound insight, Paul takes his students on a profound guided tour of consciousness that is inspiring, life changing and enlightening.
More Information about the Meditation and the Founder of Blue Throat Yoga, Paul Muller-Ortega: