STAMBHA Yoga School

Private Yoga Sessions

Holistic Yoga, Movement, and Bodywork Sessions


We offer private sessions through various dimensions of yoga geared towards the individual's specific needs and growth areas.

STAMBHA Yoga School is a holistic yoga school, and we integrate all the dimensions of yoga as well as various other growth tools in our private sessions.

We also offer other private sessions which are linked to Yoga: various other modalities of movement practices and also various holistic bodywork techniques. Please see below for details regarding those sessions.

Please contact for any questions. 


Private Yoga Sessions

Individual Private Yoga Sessions: 60min single session, chf 150.
Private Abo: 5x Abo 60min: chf 715, 10x Abo 60min: chf 1350.

Individual Private Yoga Sessions: 90min single session, chf. 225.
Private Abo: 5x Abo 90min: chf 1070, 10x Abo 90min: chf 2025.

Individual Private Yoga Sessions: 120min single session, chf. 300.
Private Abo: 5x Abo 120min: chf 1425, 10x Abo 120min: chf 2700.

There is 5% off when you book 5 sessions (5x Abo), and 10% off when you book 10 sessions (10x Abo). All Abo’s are valid for 6 months.

Group Yoga Privates

are possible for groups of 2-4.

For each additional person, the price added per person per session:
chf 50 to 60min session.
chf 75 for 90min session.
chf 100 for 120min session.

Private Yoga Sessions
are currently offered by Maya Keller, Peter Stalder, Ania Ligeza-O’Connor, Mel Florey, Stephanie Justrich, Eleonora Poli, and Sherry Alampi.

Online: via live streaming

Most of our teachers are also able to offer online sessions.

In-person: Our Physical Locations

In Zurich, Sion, Morgins-Valais, Poland.

Please fill in the following form to book your session.

You may contact for any questions.

Other related Private Sessions:

Athletic Movement Sessions
are currently offered by Brian King

Massage & Bodywork Sessions
are currently offered by Peter Stalder.
These offerings have a different pricing. Please click here for details.

Yoga Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, and PhysioTherapy Sessions
are currently offered by Maya Keller.
These offerings have a different pricing. Please click here for details.

We also have various other 60min-120min 1:1 Session offerings such as:

Astrology Reading & Coaching

Reiki Treatment & Energy Work

We also offer private two-day deep transformation journey called Magic Ride:

Private two-day MAGIC RIDE (Personal Transformation Journey)

Please contact for any questions.