STAMBHA Holistic Massage

1:1 Individual Sessions

Holistic Medical Massage Session

with Peter Stalder in Zurich, Switzerland

STAMBHA Holistic Massage is a massage method that approaches body, mind and spirit as a whole using all our senses to perceive. Holistic here means that the massage therapist’s awareness includes all layers of the human being they are with.

So, we offer to work with the physical body as well as with the energetic field combining our knowledge and intuition, being present and mindful in our touch. Our goal is to empower the being we are with to meet their intrinsic healer. We approach that being with respect and love. STAMBHA Holistic Massage is based on welcoming people as they are; as a massage therapist we welcome them as a spiritual being and bow to the essence within them. We consider healing work as a path and a journey, not a destination. So we enjoy the trip together fully!

STAMBHA Holistic Massage was founded by Peter Stalder. For more info please check here.


Individual STAMBHA Holistic Massage Session with Peter Stalder:

60min: chf 144.-, 90min: chf 216.-

The sessions are offered in-person at Peter’s STAMBHA Satellite Temple:

To book your session please contact Peter:


Phone +41 (0)79 389 05 14

You can also use the form below for direct booking: