YOGA is the central pillar of our path of STAMBHA aiming to inspire you, guide you and empower you to live your truth. More info on our vision.
STAMBHA YOGA honors and embraces many dimensions of yoga and various gateways within the path of yoga, aiming to serve each individual for their unique growth. We approach the combination of these various gateways as a mandala in a circular unity; each complementing one another in a magical web of connection to the Self.
We believe in a holistic approach in our school. We combine various tools that we have gathered over many years of experience and knowledge, serving individuals in the best way possible to learn a complete yoga practice under the umbrella of our school. In each gateway, we have different affiliations and connections with various other schools and methodologies of yoga which we honor tremendously. The combination of them all together forming our unique expression and our beautiful mandala of STAMBHA YOGA SCHOOL. Recently STAMBHA Yoga has developed its own complete method.
Philosophy - Universal and Individual - Sacred Texts
Our philosophy teachings are rooted in Hindu-Shaiva Tantra, mainly Kashmir Shaivism. Study of sacred texts is very crucial on the path of discovery of the Self. Ezgi has studied with various scholars over the years. Her main philosophy teacher is Prof. Paul Muller Ortega, founder of Blue Throat Yoga, a school of deep meditation practice and advanced studies of Hindu Shaiva Tantra. Ezgi is an authorized teacher of that school. Our central philosophy teachings are mainly coming from this lineage. Rooted in our central lineage, we honor various other lineages of yoga philosophy and teach them in our school as well.
Meditation - Divine Love Affair
Meditation is a crucial part of our path. Ezgi’s main meditation teacher is Prof. Paul Muller Ortega, founder of Blue Throat Yoga, a school of deep meditation practice and advanced studies of Hindu Shaiva Tantra. Ezgi has been dedicatedly studying on this lifelong path and regular daily meditation practitioner for many years. She is an Authorized teacher of Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga. Neelakantha Meditation comes from the ancient Tantric teachings of Svatantra, the true freedom of Consciousness; our meditation path is based on the teachings of Hindu Shaiva Tantra.
Asana - Physical Practice*
Our teachings on the physical practice of yoga, hatha yoga, has been Alignment-based Flow. We focus highly on the alignment that best serves the body and beyond. We give a high focus on the therapeutically healthy alignment of the physical body. And then we invite the nectarful flow to tap into the optimal flow of the energy in the body. We believe in the balance of structure and freedom, stability and movement. We teach a healthy balance of these opposites in the best way that serves the physical body. Our practice is a combination of fire and nectar practices. STAMBHA Yoga’s previous inspirations and affiliations for the asana teachings are with Anusara School of Hatha Yoga and Rasa Yoga. Ezgi is a Certified Advanced Teacher Trainer (CATT) authorized to teach in both schools and the founder of our umbrella of STAMBHA Yoga. We also embrace various other techniques of movement practices under our school, coming from Ezgi’s years of experience of studies and teaching, including Acrobatics, Foundation Training, AcroYoga, Fitness certifications, Thai Yoga bodywork and we also involve other great teachers who share skillful movement practices beyond yoga.
*There has been a new work in progress in this field for a long while by Ezgi Fisher. We now teach STAMBHA Yoga’s unique holistic way and approach to Yoga and Self-growth. Ezgi Fisher having taught 10 200-Hour Yoga Immersions and Teacher Trainings in Anusara Yoga through STAMBHA Yoga School and FSY, now teaches STAMBHA Yoga’s unique holistic way and approach to Yoga, and Self-growth. And in Physical Practice we now have our own method based on “Seed Awareness” developed by Ezgi Fisher and Brian King. More detailed info regarding that to come soon on our website.
Mantra - Sacred Words
Mantra’s are an important part of our yoga path. They help us to connect to deeper layers of existence and be supported and guided and protected. Our mantra’s are mostly transmitted by Ezgi’s main teacher Prof. Paul Muller-Ortega from the lineage of Hindu Shaiva Tantra and beyond; from the vast yoga tradition.
Mudra - Sacred Gestures
Mudras are powerful ways of optimizing the energy flow in the body. Our mudra’s are from various yoga sources mainly through transmission by Ezgi Fisher.
Pranayama - Breathing Practices
Pranayama practices is an important way of connecting with our essence. Through the breathing exercises we connect to out breath/energy body and beyond. Our pranayama practices are through a combination of various yoga studies.
Community support is an important catalyzer in one’s personal growth journey. We all need teachers and we are all teachers to eachother at given time. We grow through the support of the people who are on the same path with similar intentions of connection. We hold space for beautiful souls coming together in our community. We consider our community as family. Our STAMBHA YOGA family is growing every single day.
Come as you are!
We welcome you with utmost respect and love to be a part of our family.
Please check the links under the category of STAMBHA Yoga for our offerings of these various gateways via: public classes, private sessions, workshops, retreats, immersions, teacher trainings, and more.