Ezgi Fisher
Ezgi has a deep passion for studying everything that she feels as crucial for her self-growth journey. She believes in a wholesome approach for growth and healing. She has been passionately studying and teaching different subjects in various disciplines throughout her life. Below are some of her qualifications and certifications.
“I will keep studying until the day I die; I will keep teaching until the day I die.”
Yoga & Philosophy
Authorized Neelakantha Meditation Teacher as taught in Blue Throat Yoga
Advanced studies of Hindu Shaiva Tantra Philosophy and Meditation at Blue Throat Yoga with Professor Paul Muller-Ortega.
Yoga Teacher Trainer
Founder and Lead Teacher of Stambha Yoga School (RYS®, Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School)
Certified to teach 200Hour, advanced +300Hour and 500Hour Teacher Trainings.
Anusara® Certified Yoga Teacher Trainer: Certified by Anusara School of Hatha Yoga to teach 100-Hour Immersions and 200-Hour Teacher Trainings
Anusara® Certified Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainer, CATT: Certified by Anusara School of Hatha Yoga to teach +300Hour Teacher Trainings
Yoga Alliance Registered Continuing Education Provider (YACEP®) for yoga teachers
Experienced Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT500®)
Certified Rasa Yoga Teacher
Member of Rasa Yoga Heart Tribe Faculty
Rasa Yoga Advanced Training graduate (with Sianna Sherman)
Certified Anusara® Yoga Teacher
one of the highest level of certifications in the Hatha yoga world, including thousands of hours of Anusara Yoga Studies including Yoga trainings with therapeutics benefits focus, Hindu Tantra philosophy studies with renown scholars.
Certified AcroYoga® teacher
Certified Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher (+dynamic flow trainings)
Holistic Growth & Health & Wellness & Fitness
Certified Facilitator for Family and Systemic Constellations
Holistic Counseling School of La Citta della Lucce
Astrologer: Applied Astrology Level 3
Applied Astrology with Debra Silverman
Certified Health Coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition)
Thai Massage Practitioner
Reiki Practitioner
Certified AcroYoga® teacher
Many years of experience of Therapeutics and Acrobatics flying, with Acrobatics and Thai Massage trainings.
Certified Fitness Instructor (Les Mills, BodyPump®)
Managerial experience in corporate world in a big consumer products company
A decade of experience in Academia/University:
research&teaching: published journal papers, conference papers and presentations in distinguished scientific societies.
have distinguished awards in both teaching and research.
Ph.D./Doctorate in Electrical Engineering
Specialized in modeling the randomness in the most leman terms. Specialty areas: stochastic processes, detection and estimation theory, statistical pattern recognition, signal/image processing, biomedical signal processing and imaging.
Electronics Design Engineer experience in a large electronics company
M.S. in Electrical Engineering
Specialty areas: computer vision, image processing, statistical pattern recognition
B.S. in Electrical Engineering
Specialty areas: signal processing, artificial intelligence
For Ezgi's gratitude testimonial to her most influential teachers please check the page gratitude.