Yoga Workshop and Training with Desirée Rumbaugh and Andrew Rivin
September 22-23, 2018 Zurich Switzerland
Yoga: the Union of Opposite Polarities
Join us in welcoming Desiree Rumbaugh and Andrew Rivin for a weekend of playful and powerful discovery in body, mind and heart. These two teachers each have thirty years of experience practicing and teaching yoga. With certifications in Anusara Yoga as well as extensive study in the Iyengar method, Andrew and Desiree continue to evolve their teaching by studying functional movement, physical therapy and strength training. Andrew is also a mindfulness coach and works with individuals and corporations to help people to use curiosity to grow their mind muscles of awareness in order to make helpful shifts in perception and behavior. Desiree’s recently released book “Fearless After Fifty: How to Thrive with Grace, Grit and Yoga” inspires people to become curious about what is happening with their changing bodies. Armed with knowledge, we can then approach our practice from a place of strength and wisdom, rather than from a place of fear. For more information, please see
SATURDAY September 22nd
10:00-12:30 Unlocking the Lower back and Hips: Hip openers, pranayama and meditation
14:30-17:00 Symmetry and Support for your Spine: Backbends
SUNDAY September 23rd
10:00-12:30 Functional Movement to free the Neck and Shoulders: How to work properly with Inversions and Arm Balances
Price: per session CHF 90.- / whole workshop CHF 240.-
Location: STAMBHA Yoga, Seefeldstrasse 231 8008 Zurich
Please register ASAP, space is limited.
*Students are encouraged to attend the full weekend as the sessions will inform each other, but individual session registration is also possible.
Desiree Rumbaugh will also be offering Wisdom Warriors Training with Karen Church on the same week right before the workshop, Thursday & Friday, September 15-16, 14:00-21:00. The regular price for the Wisdom Warriors Training is chf. 350. However, if you would like to sign up for both the Yoga workshop and Wisdom Warriors Trainings: special registration price is: [YOGA workshop Full-Weekend + Wisdom Warriors Training] CHF. 500.
If you are attending both Weekend Workshop and Wisdom Warriors Training please still fill the registration form for each event separately and amend your payment accordingly. Thank you!
Registration Form for Weekend Workshop: