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Yoga and Systemic Constellations Weekend Workshop with Ezgi Fisher (STAMBHA Yoga), Serena Olgiati and Ariane Fischer (SPARK), Zurich Switzerland

Yoga and Systemic Constellations Weekend Workshop with Ezgi Fisher (STAMBHA Yoga), Serena Olgiati and Ariane Fischer (SPARK)

February 9-11, 2018      Zurich Switzerland

This weekend will combine Yoga Workshop sessions and Systemic Constellations work. Both are powerful tools for personal development and connection to yourSelf. We are happy to announce this unique combination for a full weekend journey together. 

Ezgi Fisher will be teaching the Yoga Workshop Sessions.

Serena Olgiati and Ariane Fischer will be facilitating Systemic Constellations.

Systemic constellations work in combination with the yoga practice will support a deep dive within your Self.

During this workshop we’ll combine the timeless wisdom of yoga with systemic theories’ tools, in particular systemic constellations. This instrument helps us to investigate the subconscious.

The powerful combination of yoga and systemic constellations is a flow between the conscious and subconscious, between our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This union is a great opportunity to become aware of the obstacles on our path to joy and freedom. A chance to integrate and transform hampering issues into creative energy. 

The goal of our weekend is to identify and bring to light specific physical, emotional, mental or spiritual symptoms through the yoga practice. These will then be investigated with practical systemic tools to identify their underlying causes. The final yoga practice will help integrating the newly acquired awareness about our Self. 

Based on systemic theories, the constellations will look at topics such as: relationship to the body; trust; inner power; autonomy; self love etc. Their purpose is to investigate our subconscious and bring to light forgotten events which hamper our life force, undermine the belief in ourselves and in the success of our projects. Through the work with constellations, these entanglements are revealed and resolved to unleash trust in life, inner freedom and lots of energy to express our talents with joy.

You don’t need to have prior practice or knowledge of yoga or systemic theories to take part in this workshop. Everything will be explained to you. And you also don’t need to come with a specific issue to investigate. The yoga practice will support you in identifying your goals and possible hampering obstacles. On those (if any appear) we will work practically. And if you don’t have any specific challenges, you can still use the systemic work to check on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and gain new insights into their health.





FRIDAY February 9th

18:00-19:00 Introduction to Systemic Constellations

19:00-20:30 Yoga Session #1


SATURDAY February 10th

9:00-10:30 Yoga Session #2

10:45-13:00 Systemic Constellations

13:00-14:00 Break

14:00-18:30 Systemic Constellations

18:30-19:30 Yoga Session #3


SUNDAY February 11th

9:00-10:30 Yoga Session #4

10:45-12:30 Systemic Constellations

12:30-13:30 Break

13:30-15:15 Systemic Constellations

15:15-16:15 Yoga Session #5


Price:  Whole Weekend CHF 360.- ( Early bird by 05.02.18 CHF 300.-)
Location: Feilengasse 5, 8008 Zurich


Please fill in the following form for registration:

Registration Form