The Journey of Courage
'The Vulnerable Heart of Courage"
The Sanskrit word for courage is “saurya”, which has the same root as the Sanskrit word for “sun”. Courage implies moving through fear. Courage and fearlessness are not the same – in fact, without fear we wouldn’t need courage. This is the kind of courage that contains discipline, wisdom and a quality of presence that rests on profound trust in something greater than personal interest. It is a spiritual maturity that is rooted in stillness. The secret of discovering that power is to turn inward, toward the center of your fear and confusion and allow the energy at the heart to expand. One of the ways to softening into your own being is to recognize your tendency to feel vulnerable. Vulnerability is inseparable from the capacity for intimacy, creativity and love; the place of prayer and yoga. That intimate, soft spot where you encounter your deepest strength.
This workshop is aimed to expanding the awareness of tenderness as a means to access your deepest resources and courage. Because spiritual journey often feels like a dance between the two poles of vulnerability and boundaries. The practice of asana, meditation and personal study will direct you to strengthening your relationship with the great power of courage that lies deeply in the womb of stillness.
Andrea Boni will be teaching contemplation and meditation practices.
Ezgi Fisher will be teaching asana and mantra practices.
The wisdom of courage is a great discovery! This will be an inspiring set of discussions. Come join us!
Workshop Sessions
SESSION 1 : December 2nd SATURDAY 09:45-12:45
“Courageous Heart in the midst of Fear”
SESSION 2 : December 2nd SATURDAY 14:00-17:00
"Surrender into Your Deepest Strength”
SESSION 3 : December 3rd SUNDAY 09:45-12:45
"Power of Courage in the Womb of Stillness”
SESSION 4 : December 3rd SUNDAY 13:45-16:15
"Get intimate with Your Full Self”
Price: per session CHF 90.- / whole weekend CHF 290.- ( Early bird by 10.11.17 CHF 250.-)
Location: Feilengasse 5, 8008 Zurich
More about Andrea Boni:
Andrea Boni is a certified Anusara® Yoga teacher. A dedicated meditator for over thirty years, he passionately teaches meditation throughout Italy and internationally to all levels. Through his intimate contact with the internal realm he engages with his students and the world powerfully, effectively, and with great love. Additionally, Andrea has extensive knowledge of both sacred scriptures and the human body allowing him to guide students into an experience of meditation that is accessible, dynamic and profound.
You can find more information about Andrea on his website: .
More info about Ezgi Fisher:
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