STAMBHA Yoga School
2018/2019 100-Hour Yoga Immersion With Ezgi Fisher In Zurich Switzerland
with special guest teachers Professor Paul Muller-Ortega*, Maya Keller** and Andrea Boni***
100hr Immersion Part 1: November 30-December 3, 2018
100hr Immersion Part 2: February 8-11, 2019
100hr Immersion Part 3: March 8-11, 2019
(+optional+ Philosophy*, Meditation, Asana and More with Professor Bill Mahony* and Ezgi Fisher, Zurich Switzerland, date TBA)
(+optional+ Meditation Lab*** with Andrea Boni*** and Ezgi Fisher, Zurich, date TBA)
**Maya Keller will be sharing her anatomy and therapy expertise. She will be teaching anatomy and therapy during parts of the immersions and teacher training.
100hr Immersion chf. 1995 payment by 30.10.18, or in 3 installments: chf. 725 (latest one week before each part).
Location: STAMBHA Yoga, Seefeldstrasse 231 8008 Zurich
Training Hours are:
Friday 14:00-21:00, Saturday 9:15-21:00,
Sunday 9:30-17:15, Monday 9:00-17:00 with breaks.
If you are traveling from outside of Zurich and need accommodation please contact us, we can connect you with a beautiful community house for a more reasonable accommodation.
For questions email
Please fill in the following form for application/registration. In the form you will be able to choose 100-Hour Yoga Immersion option.