STAMBHA Yoga School

2018/2019 100-Hour Yoga Immersion With Ezgi Fisher In Tenero/Ticino Switzerland

(with continuous Italian translation)
with special guest teachers Maya Keller* and Rosi Babbitt**

(+ guest teachers Professor Bill Mahony*** and Andrea Boni**** in Zurich)

100hr Immersion Part 1: December 14-17, 2018
100hr Immersion Part 2: February 1-4, 2019
100hr Immersion Part 3: March 15-18, 2019

(+optional+ Philosophy***, Meditation, Asana and More with Professor Bill Mahony* and Ezgi Fisher in Zurich, Date TBA)
(+optional+ Meditation Lab**** with Andrea Boni**** and Ezgi Fisher in Zurich, Date TBA)
*Maya Keller will be sharing her anatomy and therapy expertise. She will be teaching anatomy and therapy during parts of the immersions and teacher training.

**Rosi Babbitt will be translating the training to Italian and she will be assisting.

100hr Immersion chf. 1995 payment by 14.11.18, or in 3 installments: chf. 725 (latest one week before each part).

Location: Centro Annapurna, Tenero Ticino Switzerland
Training Hours are:  
Friday 14:00-21:00, Saturday 9:00-21:00, 
Sunday 9:00-19:00, Monday 9:00-14:30 with breaks.
For questions email
Please fill in the following form for application/registration. In the form you will be able to choose 100-Hour Yoga Immersion option.