STAMBHA Yoga School
2018 200-Hour Yoga Immersion and Teacher Training with Ezgi Fisher in Zurich Switzerland
with special guest teachers Professor Paul Muller-Ortega* and Maya Keller**
200hr Teacher Training Part 1: Immersion 1: April 13-16, 2018
200hr Teacher Training Part 2: Immersion 2: May 18-21, 2018
200hr Teacher Training Part 3: Immersion 3: June 29-July 2, 2018
200hr Teacher Training Part 4: TT1: September 28-October 1, 2018
200hr Teacher Training Part 5: TT2: October 26-29, 2018
200hr Teacher Training Part 6: TT3: November 23-26, 2018
(+optional+ Mantric Fire Workshop, Advanced Studies and Meditation Initiation with Professor Paul Muller-Ortega, Ezgi Fisher, and guest teachers, Philosophy*, Meditation, Asana and More, June 15-18, 2018, Zurich Switzerland)
*Maya Keller will be sharing her anatomy and therapy expertise. She will be teaching anatomy and therapy during parts of the immersions and teacher training.
Complete 200hr Training: payment by 13.03.2018, early bird special, CHF 3900.-. After 13.03.2018, Full Rate applies up to CHF 4500.- according to the dates and rates below:
100hr Immersion: payment by 13.03.18, early bird special, CHF 1995.-. After 13.03.18, CHF 2175 or in 3 installments: CHF 725.- (by 06.04.18 / 11.05.18 / 22.06.18).
100hr Teacher Training: payment by 28.08.18, early bird special, CHF 2195.-. After 28.08.18, CHF 2325 or in 3 installments: CHF 775.- (by 21.09.18 / 19.10.18 / 16.11.18).
Location: STAMBHA Yoga, Seefeldstrasse 231 8008 Zurich
Training Hours are:
Friday 14:00-21:00, Saturday 9:00-21:00,
Sunday 9:30-17:00, Monday 9:00-17:00 with breaks.
If you are traveling from outside of Zurich and need accommodation please contact us, we can connect you with a beautiful community house for a more reasonable accommodation.
For questions email
Please fill in the following form for application/registration: